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Adjacent Node based Energetic Association Factor Routing Protocol in Wireless Sensor Networks - 2021

Adjacent Node based Energetic Association Factor Routing Protocol in Wireless Sensor Networks

Research Area:  Wireless Sensor Networks


Currently, the mobile ad hoc networks are experiencing quicker progression since due to their minimal cost, variance and unfussiness of the autonomous devices. These devices could arrange into a dependable network in a short duration for the utilization of salvage systems after natural calamities where the transmission structure might no longer last. These nodes in this kind of networks are possible to wander freely at any point of time even in the non-existence of any planner supervision where routing is deemed as a great dispute. Furthermore, various routing standards like Neighbor Coverage-Based Probabilistic Rebroadcast (NCPR) purely depend on the predetermined values which are needed to be assigned by the system supervisor for the conditions. Unluckily the initialization of a precise condition is not appropriate for other conditions. Additionally, various other protocols like Adhoc on-demand distance vector routing (AODV) uses the route demand message flooding mechanism to locate a route to a precise target in the path identification process. Even though the flooding assures improved reach but it initiates unwanted overheads during routing this might degrade the performance of the network. The intention is to design a fresh routing standard adjacency based energetic association factor routing protocol (EAPF) suitable to vigorously investigate the position of the fundamental network without disturbing the system supervisor based on a fresh association parameter while minimizing the overheads in route demands employing a fresh association factor. Moreover, the broad simulation reveals the performance of EAPF, NCPR and AODV where the designed schemes resolve the necessity for predetermined values in NCPR. It is evident that the proposed scheme performs better than the NCPR and AODV in terms of end-to-end delay, overheads in routing, rate of MAC collisions, energy utilization, network associations and packet delivery ratio because of its fresh schemes for minimizing the unnecessary route demands.


Author(s) Name:  C. Chandru Vignesh,C. B. Sivaparthipan,J. Alfred Daniel,Gwanggil Jeon,M. Bala Anand

Journal name:  Wireless Personal Communications

Conferrence name:  

Publisher name:  Springer

DOI:  10.1007/s11277-021-08397-0

Volume Information:  volume 119, pages 3255–3270 (2021)