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An energy-efficient overlapping clustering protocol in WSNs - 2016

An energy-efficient overlapping clustering protocol in WSNs

Research Area:  Wireless Sensor Networks


The limited battery power supply system makes energy efficiency a major concern in WSNs. An effective method is to organize the sensors into clusters to avoid redundancy and long-distance data transmission in the network. In traditional clustering methods, the cluster heads not only serve as leaders to collect the coming data from their cluster members but also play the roles of relay nodes to transmit the aggregated data to the sink node simultaneously, such that CHs consume much more energy than ordinary nodes. From the perspective of energy balancing, it is better to select the different nodes as CHs and relay nodes. In this paper, an energy-efficient overlapping clustering protocol is proposed, which assigns the boundary nodes in the overlapping area to relay the aggregated data to the sink node. Thereby the relay nodes are uniformly distributed near the CHs. Comparisons with LEACH and SEECH protocols show that the proposed protocol achieves better performance in terms of lifetime and load-balancing.


Author(s) Name:  Yuan Hu and Yugang Niu

Journal name:  Wireless Networks

Conferrence name:  

Publisher name:  Springer

DOI:  10.1007/s11276-016-1434-5

Volume Information:  volume 24, pages 1775–1791 (2018)