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An improved source location privacy protection using adaptive trust sector-based authentication with honey encryption algorithm in WSN - 2021

An improved source location privacy protection using adaptive trust sector-based authentication with honey encryption algorithm in WSN

Research Area:  Wireless Sensor Networks


A wireless sensor network is a set of sensor nodes used to identify the environment and the corresponding object. It collects all the data of the situation and transmits this detected data to the central node through a wireless network. However, some challenges are encountered in wireless sensor networks i.e., the efficient deployment of sensor nodes in an environment. Some of the issues are limited sources of energy, limited transmission bandwidth, short coverage, data distribution, data persistence, faulty node, and data security redundancy. The Discovery Configuration Protocol (DCP) has been signed for a period of time to monitor the applications. It is required for alternate use, which is very important to recreate the correct data source. Recently, Source Location Privacy (SLP) security at the WSN has attracted a way to prevent opponents from pursuing a backtracking strategy to capture the data source. Delivery of messages from different source nodes to sink nodes is done through an end-to-end location privacy process. With location-based services, data must be retrieved by users who do not have information about the datas location. So, introduce a proposed Adaptive Trust Sector-Based Authenticated System (ATSAS), which is meant to evaluate the trust confidence value of each node with the help of agent sinks node. When the joining nodes discover their neighbors, they exchange information about the number of single-hop neighbors. The updated confidence value of the node is formed in the network algorithm. The first stage is done using the Honey Encryption (HE) for message authentication and packet encryption to provide security in WSN. These encryptions are making Distribution-Transforming Encoder (DTE) for space of the un-encrypted plain text message into the seed space of n-bit string. The output encryption point is the input to feedback for key generation. To the next level, both direct and indirect observations, such as its neighbors trust value, are calculated based on two sources of information. This protocol thereby increases secure communication in a hierarchical WSN. The trust rate control of the network at the source of the packet, which helps drive the time control mechanism. Such Network Control Point (NCP) system development methods provide security and reduce the occurrence of overload on distributed sensor nodes. The theoretical analysis and test results demonstrate that the proposed method improves security, reduces directional attacks, and increases the networks longevity.


Author(s) Name:  A. Arivarasi & P. Ramesh

Journal name:  Journal of Ambient Intelligence and Humanized Computing

Conferrence name:  

Publisher name:  Springer

DOI:  10.1007/s12652-021-03021-2

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