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An Optimal Emperor Penguin Optimization Based Enhanced Flower Pollination Algorithm in WSN for Fault Diagnosis and Prolong Network Lifespan - 2021

An Optimal Emperor Penguin Optimization Based Enhanced Flower Pollination Algorithm in WSN for Fault Diagnosis and Prolong Network Lifespan

Research Area:  Wireless Sensor Networks


Wireless sensor devices have offered to ascend to numerous WSN applications for cost of deployment, user-friendly interface, transmitting, receiving information and observing the information through the sink hub. Few issues lead to affect the capacity of sink nodes they are, quality of service, high bandwidth demand, high energy consumption, provisioning, compressing techniques, data processing also cross-layer design. If these issues are may affect the entire system, it may create node failure. To overcome these issues,we proposean optimal emperor penguin optimization-based enhanced flower pollination algorithm for fault diagnosis and prolong network lifespan. In optimal emperor penguin optimization (OEPO) strategy is used for automatically identifying the behaviour of active sensor nodes, correcting faulted nodes and to find an optimal alternative solution for routing. Then, we illustrate the enhanced flower pollination algorithm (FPA) is proposed to extend the networks stability period. Using FPA, multi-hop communication between Cluster heads and base station is utilized to accomplish optimal link costs for load balancing of Cluster heads and energy minimization. Analysis and simulation results show that the (OEPO-FPA) proposed algorithm significantly outperforms than existing Trusted cluster based optimal multi-sink repositioning technique in terms of energy consumption, systemlifetime, delay, delivery ratio, throughput and false-positive rate.


Author(s) Name:  B. Santhosh Kumar,P. Trinatha Rao

Journal name:  Wireless Personal Communications

Conferrence name:  

Publisher name:  Springer

DOI:  10.1007/s11277-021-08765-w

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