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Determination of energy efficient optimal sojourn location of mobile sinks in clustered corona-based wireless sensor networks - 2021

Determination of energy efficient optimal sojourn location of mobile sinks in clustered corona-based wireless sensor networks

Research Area:  Wireless Sensor Networks


In wireless sensor networks (WSNs), the clustering architecture balances the energy consumption of the sensor nodes as compared with the flat network architecture. The cluster heads which are nearer to the sink node spend more energy than other cluster heads since it relays the packets in addition to its essential functions. The mobile sinks avoid such an energy hole scenario in sensor networks. Several schemes address the mobility of sink to balance the energy consumption of sensor nodes in the last few years. Those schemes give their attention to either sink path determination or sojourn location determination calculations. Therefore an Energy Efficient Optimal Sojourn Location of Mobile Sink (E2OSLMS) scheme is proposed in this paper to determine the optimal sojourn location of the mobile sink in an energy-efficient manner. In this proposed scheme, the mobile sink moves on a spiral path among clusters and stays in each cluster for a limited time. The sojourn locations are optimized using a fuzzy rule base in each cluster upon the arrival of the mobile sink. The simulation results outperform the proposed scheme as compared with the other two related schemes in terms of energy consumption of nodes and lifetime of the network.


Author(s) Name:  Mohaideen Pitchai K

Journal name:  Peer-to-Peer Networking and Applications (2021)

Conferrence name:  

Publisher name:  Springer

DOI:  10.1007/s12083-021-01224-0

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