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Energy Proficient Hybrid Secure Scheme for Wireless Sensor Networks - 2021

Energy Proficient Hybrid Secure Scheme for Wireless Sensor Networks

Research Area:  Wireless Sensor Networks


One way hash chain with a new key indicating the performance of the node as well to isolate malicious nodes from the network. Public key cryptography is derived using elliptical curve cryptography (ECC) have couple of key for decryption and encryption. Public key cryptography provides protection and verification using numerous algorithms. In addition secret session key is generated for secured data transmission and improve energy efficiency in WSN. Advanced encryption standard (AES) is applied for message cipher text once the key validation process gets finished. Energy proficient hybrid secure scheme (EPHSS) is proposed to provide secured and energy efficient data transmissions in WSN. To utilise the node energy in a proper way node clustering process is carried out. Clustering process efficiently reduces unnecessary energy wastage during node communication. Graded co-prime keys are generated for public and private keys, also encrypting functions are performed for providing security mechanisms. This mechanism improves security measures and simultaneously reduces energy consumption among nodes. The route should be undetectable by malicious nodes and the data should not be lacerate by the opponent node even it gets to know the public key. Identifying private key component [B, n] is difficult for malevolent; thus building it computationally infeasible for discovering decryption type at receiver side. Simulation presentations of the networks are analysed by network simulator tool. Efficiency of the proposed scheme is computed by taking delivery rates of packets which results in 18% better than the conventional ECCSAS scheme.


Author(s) Name:  M. Yuvaraju,K. A. Pranesh

Journal name:  Wireless Personal Communications

Conferrence name:  

Publisher name:  Springer

DOI:  10.1007/s11277-020-07895-x

Volume Information:  volume 117, pages 747–767 (2021)