Research Area:  Wireless Sensor Networks
In this paper, an Enhanced RSSI Tree Climbing (ERTC) technique is proposed to design a well-planned path based localization using virtual force of Mobile Anchor Node (MAN) in Wireless Sensor Network (WSN). The MAN is equipped with both Omni directional and directional antennae. Since an Omni directional antenna used for broadcasting the message and directional antenna is used for receiving the messages. This proposed technique is used to identify the trajectory of the MAN with the virtual force of unknown nodes in the network. Further, the circum center algorithm is used to identify the location of unknown sensor node. The proposed technique is implemented in the NS2 simulation. Simulation results shows that an ERTC achieves lower path length and better localization accuracy with the existing trajectories HILBERT space filling curve, Z trajectory, Swarm intelligence path planning techniques Grey wolf optimizer (GWPP) and Whale Optimizer based Path Planning (WOPP). The efficacy of node coverage in ERTC is compared with the Improved Virtual Force Algorithm (IVFA). The coverage analysis of ERTC shows better results by using virtual force of unknown node than IVFA.
Author(s) Name:  P. Thilagavathi & J. Martin Leo Manickam
Journal name:  Journal of Ambient Intelligence and Humanized Computing
Conferrence name:  
Publisher name:  Springer
DOI:  10.1007/s12652-020-02286-3
Volume Information:  volume 12, pages 6665–6676 (2021)
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