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Fuzzy Based Relay Node Selection for Achieving Efficient Energy and Reliability in Wireless Body Area Network - 2021

Fuzzy Based Relay Node Selection for Achieving Efficient Energy and Reliability in Wireless Body Area Network

Research Area:  Wireless Sensor Networks


The development of computer technology paves the way for transferring conventional monitoring system into digital monitoring. Considering this idea, the concept of WBAN is designed based on the function of the wireless network. The significant challenges faced in WBAN is energy consumption and reliability. Various scholars had conducted numerous investigations for designing routing protocols that fulfil essential requirements such as resource constraint and reliability enhancement. However, the existing routing approaches are unable to satisfy this vital requirement. For solving these constraints, the proposed routing system is designed. The proposed routing scheme is developed based on relay node selection. Two criteria are considered significant for choosing the relay node. The first criterion is the distance estimated based on RSSI, whereas the second criterion is the direction estimated based on the MUSIC algorithm. These two parameters are given as input for generating the fuzzy rule to choose the relay node for data transmission. The performance of the proposed routing scheme is tested in the NS2 simulator, and the results are compared with the existing routing technique. The functioning of the proposed routing system outperforms the existing routing system.


Author(s) Name:   B. Shunmugapriya & B. Paramasivan

Journal name:  Wireless Personal Communications

Conferrence name:  

Publisher name:  Springer

DOI:  10.1007/s11277-021-09027-5

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