Research Area:  Wireless Sensor Networks
The wireless sensor networks WSN is the most substantial network utilized in the IoT based applications. The WSN consists of various sensor nodes used for the data transmission. The sensor nodes in source are transmitting the data in the destination sensor nodes are expected to be in a secure manner and in less amount of time.For provide secure transmission of data and to reduce the transmission time the clustering based novel Fuzzy C-means clustering approach and enhanced ECC- ElGamal encryption algorithm has been proposed in this study. By using cluster coefficient, the ideal cluster heads CHs are selected in the network which possess highest neighbouring nodes, smallest distance from base station and highest residual energy. Then encrypted key is predicted by base station using modified co-efficient based key generation and transmit the nodes through CH. Then the data encrypted using enhanced ECC-ElGamal encryption and then allows decryption process. Hence secure transmission with the authentication achieved and analysis of overall performance analysis has been made and compared with existing methods.The performance analysis of the proposed technique are compared with existing ECC and RSA algorithm shows that the overall processing time are decreased and also the network is highly secured in terms of varying the nodes from 10 to 100.
Author(s) Name:  A. Selva Reegan,V. Kabila
Journal name:  Wireless Personal Communications
Conferrence name:  
Publisher name:  Springer
DOI:  10.1007/s11277-021-08076-0
Volume Information:  volume 118, pages 1313–1329 (2021)
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