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Malicious Node Detection in Wireless Sensor Networks Using an Efficient Secure Data Aggregation Protocol - 2020

Malicious Node Detection in Wireless Sensor Networks Using an Efficient Secure Data Aggregation Protocol

Research Area:  Wireless Sensor Networks


Wireless sensor networks are randomly deployed and responsible for monitoring geographical area wide. In WSN, the aggregation of data is very complex because of its limited power and computing capabilities. Issue in data aggregation is that the data may be passed on malicious node. All the existing data aggregation techniques undergo security issues because of the transfer of large amount of data. In this paper we propose a protocol named Secure Data Aggregation Protocol (SDAP) which identifies the malicious node by providing a logical group in the form of tree topology. In the tree topology the aggregation is formed by aggregating the nodes, which are non-leaf node and high level of trust is required to provide a better approximation and accuracy against the security threats. Thus the data is securely aggregated and the efficiency is achieved in data aggregation.


Author(s) Name:  S. Gomathi,C. Gopala Krishnan

Journal name:  Wireless Personal Communications

Conferrence name:  

Publisher name:  Springer

DOI:  10.1007/s11277-020-07291-5

Volume Information:  volume 113, pages 1775–1790 (2020)