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SPEECH-MAC: Special purpose energy-efficient contention-based hybrid MAC protocol for WSN and Zigbee network - 2021

SPEECH-MAC: Special purpose energy-efficient contention-based hybrid MAC protocol for WSN and Zigbee network

Research Area:  Wireless Sensor Networks


Energy-efficient Zigbee-based wireless sensor network (WSN) occupies a major role in emergency-based applications. The foremost drawback of such applications is maintaining the battery power because frequent changing is not possible in those conditions. In the earlier days, several researches created new model MAC protocols in terms of increase the lifetime of the WSN. But still, there is a research gap particularly in emergency applications. In order to improve the lifetime of such applications, we introduced a novel hybrid MAC protocol, namely, special purpose energy-efficient contention-based hybrid MAC (SPEECH-MAC) protocol. This protocol includes dual hop concept considerably to save the energy. Both the single hop network and the dual hop networks are developed, and the results are analyzed. Prioritization mechanism for SPEECH-MAC protocol is introduced to analyze the emergency conditions in detail. In summary, according to the simulation, the calculated parameters are total residual energy, end-to-end delay, packet drop, packet delivery ratio, and network throughput.


Author(s) Name:  Nader Ajmi, Abdelhamid Helali, Pascal Lorenz, Ridha Mghaieth


Conferrence name:  

Publisher name:  Wiley

DOI:  10.1002/dac.4637

Volume Information:  Volume34, Issue1 10 January 2021