About the Book:
Wireless Sensor Networks came into prominence around the start of this millennium motivated by the omnipresent scenario of small-sized sensors with limited power deployed in large numbers over an area to monitor different phenomenon. The sole motivation of a large portion of research efforts has been to maximize the lifetime of the network, where network lifetime is typically measured from the instant of deployment to the point when one of the nodes has expended its limited power source and becomes in-operational - commonly referred as first node failure.
Over the years, research has increasingly adopted ideas from wireless communications as well as embedded systems development in order to move this technology closer to realistic deployment scenarios. In such a rich research area as wireless sensor networks, it is difficult if not impossible to provide a comprehensive coverage of all relevant aspects. In this book, we hope to give the reader with a snapshot of some aspects of wireless sensor networks research that provides both a high level overview as well as detailed discussion on specific areas.
Table of Contents
A Survey on Routing Protocols for Wireless Sensor NetworksReview of Energy Harvesting Technologies for Sustainable WSNMonitoring of Wireless Sensor NetworksDiversity Techniques for Robustness and Power Awareness in Wireless Sensor Systems for Railroad Transport ApplicationsEnergy Efficient Transmission Techniques in Continuous-Monitoring and Event-Detection Wireless Sensor NetworksOn Clustering in Sensor NetworksCluster-based Routing Protocols for Energy-Efficiency in Wireless Sensor Networks An Energy-aware Clustering Technique for Wireless Sensor NetworksEECED: An Energy Efficient Clustering Algorithm for Event-Driven Wireless Sensor NetworksTopology Control in Large Scale WSNs : Routing and Base Station PlacementDynamic Routing Framework for Wireless Sensor NetworksRouting Security Issues in Wireless Sensor Networks: Attacks and DefensesOptimization Approaches in Wireless Sensor NetworksA k-covered Mobile Target Tracking in Voronoi-based Wireless Sensor NetworksPower Efficient Target Coverage in Wireless Sensor NetworksNode Deployment and Mobile Sinks for Wireless Sensor Networks Lifetime Improvement A Sink Node Allocation Scheme in Wireless Sensor Networks Using Suppression Particle Swarm OptimizationHybrid Approach for Energy-Aware Synchronization in Sensor NetworksMaximizing Lifetime of Data Gathering Wireless Sensor NetworkEnergy Efficient Data Aggregation for Wireless Sesor NetworksA Chaos-Based Data Gathering Scheme Using Chaotic Oscillator NetworksEnergy-efficient Reprogramming of Heterogeneous Wireless Sensor NetworksProgramming a Sensor Network in a layered middleware architectureGroup Key Managements in Wireless Sensor Networks