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Trust Based DoS Attack Detection in Wireless Sensor Networks for Reliable Data Transmission - 2021

Trust Based DoS Attack Detection in Wireless Sensor Networks for Reliable Data Transmission

Research Area:  Wireless Sensor Networks


Wireless sensor network occupies an inevitable role in various applications that requires data collection and transmission. The tiny wireless sensor nodes are responsible for data collection and transmission. However, these randomly deployed nodes are vulnerable to attacks such as selective forwarding attacks, flooding attacks, etc., These attacks directly affect the network performance and probe the network security. In this research work, an efficient trust-based attack detection module is presented to detect denial of service attacks such as selective forwarding and flooding attacks. Multi-dimensional trust parameters are extracted and estimated through the proposed approach to determine the packet forwarding activity from the sensor nodes. The proposed DoS attack detection model performance is verified through simulations and the results validate the better performance in terms of throughput, energy consumption, packet delay, and accuracy. Compared to conventional detection techniques proposed attack detection model outperforms well in all aspects.


Author(s) Name:  C. Anand,N. Vasuki

Journal name:  Wireless Personal Communications

Conferrence name:  

Publisher name:  Springer

DOI:  10.1007/s11277-021-08855-9

Volume Information:  volume 121, pages 2911–2926 (2021)