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A Survey On Anti-Forensics Techniques - 2017

A Survey On Anti-Forensics Techniques

Research Area:  Cloud Security


Digital forensics methodologies and tools have become a crucial part for investigation of cybercrimes and collecting digital evidences in a case. Digital forensics experts usually follow a common workflow and use known methodologies and tools while investigating a case. Attackers and cybercriminals also know which methodologies are used in an investigation and how digital forensics tools work. As a consequence, they started to find and implement a new methodology which is called anti-forensics for deceiving investigator or having a case lasts longer than expected. Anti-forensics has been acknowledged as a legitimate field of study recently, therefore it can be considered as an emerging area of interest and there is a lack of knowledge about anti-forensics techniques. This paper aims to make mention of the anti-forensics techniques such as Data Pooling; Non-Standart RAIDed Disks; Manipulating File Signatures; Restricted Filenames; Manipulating MACE (file Modified, Accessed, Created and Entry) Times; Loop References; Hash Collisions; Dummy HDDs and proposals for mitigating these techniques.


Author(s) Name:  Murat Gül; Emin Kugu

Journal name:  

Conferrence name:  2017 International Artificial Intelligence and Data Processing Symposium

Publisher name:  IEEE

DOI:  10.1109/IDAP.2017.8090341

Volume Information:  Volume 2017