Research Area:  Machine Learning
Researchers have used deep learning methods for a human level or better disease identification and detection. This paper reports, in brief, the recent work in deep learning identification of diseases occurring at three unique parts of the human body: the skin, the thorax, and the eye. While earlier reviews reported on the theory, applications, and challenges of such research, what distinguishes this work from the others is the reporting and comprehensive analysis of the key results. In doing so, the paper not only summarizes the major conclusions drawn from them but also emphasizes their weaknesses. The hope is to help the researchers see the big picture in deep learning classification of the diseases of the skin, the thorax and the eye, and guide them to find the right future research direction.
Author(s) Name:  Sertan Serte,Ali Serener,Fadi Al-Turjman
Journal name:  Transactions on Emerging Telecommunications Technologies
Conferrence name:  
Publisher name:  Wiley
DOI:  10.1002/ett.4080
Volume Information:  
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