Research Area:  Machine Learning
The artificial neural network (ANN), one of the machine learning (ML) algorithms, inspired by the human brain system, was developed by connecting layers with artificial neurons. However, due to the low computing power and insufficient learnable data, ANN has suffered from overfitting and vanishing gradient problems for training deep networks. The advancement of computing power with graphics processing units and the availability of large data acquisition, deep neural network outperforms human or other ML capabilities in computer vision and speech recognition tasks. These potentials are recently applied to healthcare problems, including computer-aided detection/diagnosis, disease prediction, image segmentation, image generation, etc. In this review article, we will explain the history, development, and applications in medical imaging
Deep Learning
Medical Imaging
artificial neural network
machine learning (ML) algorithms
Author(s) Name:  Mingyu Kim, Jihye Yun, Yongwon Cho, Keewon Shin, Ryoungwoo Jang, Hyun-jin Bae, and Namkug Kim
Journal name:  Neurospine
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DOI:  10.14245/ns.1938396.198
Volume Information:  Volume 16,Issue (4); pages: 657–668.
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