Research Area:  Mobile Ad Hoc Networks
Infrastructures less network is MANET which creates the temporary network. Performance and security are its two major issues. Due to its self organizing feature providing runtime network security is tedious task. So an efficient and strong model is required to setup so that various eavesdropping activity can be avoided. Key management is a vital part of security in Manet because the distribution of encryption keys in an authentication manner is a difficult task due to its dynamic nature. As every time nodes leaves or joins it has to regenerate a new session key for maintaining secrecy. In this paper, we have proposed a new key management scheme to improve the network security with less mobility overhead and less key distribution time .
Author(s) Name:  Inderpreet Kaur and A. L. N. Rao
Journal name:   International Journal of Computer Applications
Conferrence name:  
Publisher name:  IJCA
DOI:  10.5120/ijca2017914390
Volume Information:  Volume 167 - Number 10
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