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A New Mathematical and Correlation Coefficient Based Approach to Recognize and to Obstruct the Black Hole Attacks in Manets Using DSR Routing - 2020

A New Mathematical and Correlation Coefficient Based Approach to Recognize and to Obstruct the Black Hole Attacks in Manets Using DSR Routing

Research Area:  Mobile Ad Hoc Networks


Mobile Adhoc networks (MANETs) is new exemplar of wireless networks which has some unparalleled features such like dynamically altering topology, baseless network, conveyance range, routing process and the reliability. Black hole attack is one such consequence number based prevalent attack, which depreciate the effectiveness and fidelity of a network in the form of dripping all the inward packets by the wicked node. This black void node purports to bluff each and every bit of node involved in the network that wishes to connect with some other node by dispatching a forged route reply packets and by feigning that it has the perfect and quickest path to the receiver node. This paper proposes a new secured and a reliable method to obstruct black hole attacks in Manets, which is an advancement of already suggested method and a correlation coefficient technique is exerted to confirm the presence of wicked node. The simulation conclusions portrays that this propounded technique will heightens the efficiency of a networking system in relation to the network parametrics such like packet delivered ratio, end to end delay, packet drip ratio when equated with existing methods.


Author(s) Name:  M. Thebiga,R. SujiPramila

Journal name:  Wireless Personal Communications

Conferrence name:  

Publisher name:  Springer

DOI:  10.1007/s11277-020-07403-1

Volume Information:  volume 114, pages 975–993 (2020)