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A Reputation-based Incentive Framework for Mobile Ad Hoc Networks - 2015

A Reputation-based Incentive Framework for Mobile Ad Hoc Networks

Research Area:  Mobile Ad Hoc Networks


In mobile ad hoc networks (MANIT), nodes forward the packet to other with the help of intermediate nodes within the transmission range and as they are expected to cooperate to make the networks reliably. In ad hoc network, node may have limited resources. Due to this, some nodes (selfish node) may not to forward packets to save resources for their own use. To discourage such misbehaviour, we propose reputation-based incentive mechanism to motivate the selfish nodes to cooperate in order to packet forwarding. Incentive will be earned by the intermediate nodes which are responsible for forwarding the packet. In this paper, a cluster head will be used as reputation management of each node in the network. This paper highlights various views of cooperation enforcement mechanism and reliability. We perform an overall analysis of our paper by simulation using the network simulator (NS- 2) with the help of AODV protocol.


Author(s) Name:  Vivek Richhariya and Praveen Kaushik

Journal name:  International Journal of Computer Applications

Conferrence name:  

Publisher name:  IJCA

DOI:  10.5120/21277-4142

Volume Information:  Volume 120 - Number 12