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A Secure Routing Protocol for MANETs Against Byzantine Attacks

A Secure Routing Protocol for MANETs Against Byzantine Attacks

Interesting Research Book in A Secure Routing Protocol for MANETs Against Byzantine Attacks

Author(s) Name:  Gagan Singla, Pallavi Kaliyar

About the Book:

   MANETs are collection of mobile hosts which are self-configurable. Nodes in MANET communicate with each other through wireless channels with no centralized control. MANET nodes rely on multi-hop communication. Security in MANETs is always a very big issue.
   There are many attacks in MANET due to which the legitimacy of a network is compromised. Many approaches already existed to address these security issues. In this paper an algorithm was proposed for data transmission by using RSA algorithm for authentication purpose, and a blacklist to prevent sending data packets to those nodes which are malicious.
   Because of this data security is improved. The proposed routing algorithm is more secure as compared to AODV routing algorithm. The performance is analyzed on the basis of various performance metrics like Packets Received and Network Routing Overhead in the network by using the NS2 Simulator.

ISBN:  9781461461531

Publisher:  Springer New York

Year of Publication:  2013

Book Link:  Home Page Url