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Ad Hoc Networks: Technologies And Protocols

Ad Hoc Networks: Technologies And Protocols

Latest Research Book in Ad Hoc Networks: Technologies And Protocols

Author(s) Name:  Mohapatra, Prasant, Krishnamurthy, Srikanth (Eds.)

About the Book:

   Ad Hoc Networks: Technologies and Protocols is a concise in-depth treatment of various constituent components of ad hoc network protocols. It reviews issues related to medium access control, scalable routing, group communications, use of directional/smart antennas, network security, and power management among other topics. The authors examine various technologies that may aid ad hoc networking including the presence of an ability to tune transmission power levels or the deployment of sophisticated smart antennae. Contributors to this volume include experts that have been active in ad hoc network research and have published in the premier conferences and journals in this subject area.
   Ad Hoc Networks: Protocols and Technologies will be immensely useful as a reference work to engineers and researchers as well as to advanced level students in the areas of wireless networks, and computer networks.

Table of Contents

  • Ad Hoc Networks
  • Collision Avoidance Protocols in Ad Hoc Networks
  • Routing in Mobile Ad Hoc Networks
  • Multicasting in Ad Hoc Networks
  • Transport Layer Protocols in Ad Hoc Networks
  • Energy Conservation
  • Use of Smart Antennas in Ad Hoc Networks
  • QoS Issues in Ad-Hoc Networks
  • Security in Mobile Ad-Hoc Networks
  • ISBN:  9780387226897

    Publisher:  Springer US

    Year of Publication:  2005

    Book Link:  Home Page Url