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An Stochastic Reward net Model for Performance Analysis of Network layer in Mobile Ad Hoc Network Under the Workload of Misbehvaior Nodes - 2021

An Stochastic Reward net Model for Performance Analysis of Network layer in Mobile Ad Hoc Network Under the Workload of Misbehvaior Nodes

Research Area:  Mobile Ad Hoc Networks


The most usage of Mobile Ad-hoc Network in emergency and critical cases, needs a precise evaluation of its performance toward security challenges. Traditional simulation-based performance evaluators like NS-2 and OPNET usually need a considerable time for producing steady-state performance metrics. In addition to a lack of the required visual tools to understand and assess network operations, there is no theoretical background for mentioned simulators, too. In this research, we propose a performance evaluation framework for mobile ad hoc networks under the workload of misbehavior nodes, using Stochastic Reward Net (SRN). The presented framework encompasses two separate SRN models for modeling routing process and data flowing process which are equipped with a set of mathematical equations for deriving network parameters. Each of the models modified in ordered to simulate a network with three different attack strategies, Black-hole, Packet dropping and Flooding. The evaluation conducted in terms of nodes density, nodes velocity and number of misbehavior nodes using two performance metrics, Packet Delivery Ratio and End_to_End Delay. The correctness of the model investigated with the additional use of NS-2 network simulator. For all performance metrics, the gained value from SRN model well matched to the value obtained from simulation environment with a considerable lesser time for execution.


Author(s) Name:  Meisam Yadollahzadeh-Tabari

Journal name:  Wireless Personal Communications

Conferrence name:  

Publisher name:  Springer

DOI:  10.1007/s11277-020-08060-0

Volume Information:  volume 118, pages 1087–1109 (2021)