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Intelligent route discovery towards rushing attacks in ad hoc wireless networks - 2021

Intelligent route discovery towards rushing attacks in ad hoc wireless networks

Research Area:  Mobile Ad Hoc Networks


MANET (mobile ad-hoc networks) are distributed or delegated away from a central server, authoritative location of wireless networks that communicate without pre-existing structure. Ad-hoc networks are compromising the many types of attacks and routing. In MANET, routing plays a vital role in terms of packets interaction and data transmission. Due to decentralized control, the MANET data transmission becomes insecure because of dispersed routing on the mobile ad-hoc nodes. Since the efficient route on MANET only controls the packets and does not simplify the route between the source to the destination, the maintenance of route interaction becomes a crucial process. Maintain effective data transactions over the MANET network, and it is essential to improve the route and locate the attacker. Nevertheless, MANET allows for route interaction against security threads. In this research article, four processing schemes are suggested to preserve the security measures against routing protocols. Especially in node communication, the rushing attacker has a significant impact on packet-based data transmission in MANET.Also, for this research, an Attacker detection automation of the bees colony optimization (ADABCP) method is used. The desired result is brought about in the effective attacker detection on the routing process. Moreover, the proposed hybrid random late detection (HRLD) routing protocol manages the MANET routing and overcomes the MANET congestion communication. The Swift implicit response round trip time (SIRT) mechanism is generated by the route finding manipulation (RFM) to enhance the performance. This RFM scheme helps to find the optimal routing in a secured manner. The proposed (SIRT-ADABCP-HRLD) approach was compared to the existing ESCT, ZRDM-LFPM, and ENM-LAC approaches, found to have improved by routing and data transmission. Compared to the conventional method, the method mentioned above achieves a better ratio for the end-to-end delay, communication overhead, packet delivery ratio, network lifetime, and energy consumption.


Author(s) Name:  Udayakumar Allimuthu & K. Mahalakshmi

Journal name:  Journal of Ambient Intelligence and Humanized Computing

Conferrence name:  

Publisher name:  Springer

DOI:  10.1007/s12652-021-03195-9

Volume Information: