Research Area:  Mobile Ad Hoc Networks
Automatic key establishment schemes are the root of secure communication in Mobile adhoc networks(MANETs). These schemes are not universal, their performance depends on many factors like routing protocols, type of attackers aimed at, the parameter used for key generation, etc. Among the routing protocols used in MANETs the most popular ones are reactive routing protocols DSR and AODV. In this paper, an efficient secret key establishment technique using traffic matrix is simulated in the two reactive routing protocol scenarios: DSR (Dynamic Source Routing) and AODV (Ad hoc On-demand Distance Vector routing). The simulation results are compared and analyzed in terms of the key generation complexity, packet loss ratio and active attacker detection. Finally the paper concludes the fact that traffic load based key generation scheme is preferable for reactive routing protocol based systems.
Author(s) Name:  K. R. Shibu,R. Suji Pramila
Journal name:  Wireless Personal Communications
Conferrence name:  
Publisher name:  Springer
DOI:  10.1007/s11277-020-07757-6
Volume Information:  volume 116, pages 1703–1712 (2021)
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