Research Area:  Mobile Ad Hoc Networks
Node’s mobility, bursty data traffic, and dynamicnature of the network make congestion avoidance andcontrol a challenging task in Mobile Adhoc Networks(MANETs). Congestion results in high packet loss rate,increased delays, and wastage of network resources due tore-transmissions. In this paper, we propose In-route data rateadaptation to avoid packet loss. Proposed scheme is basedon the analysis of queue length of the forwarding nodes,number of data source nodes, and rate of link changes.In proposed technique, queue length of forwarding nodesis communicated periodically to the neighbor nodes usingexisting control messages of the underlying routing proto-col. Keeping in view the queue length of forwarding nodes,number of data source nodes, and rate of link changes,initially the intermediate nodes buffer the incoming data packets up to some threshold and then, gradually shift the effect of congestion to the data source nodes. Then, thesource node adapts its sending data rate to avoid conges-tion and to ensure reliable data communication. We haveperformed simulations in NS-2 simulator by varying dif-ferent network metrics such as data rate, number of sourcenodes, and node speed. Results show that proposed technique improves network performance in terms of packet delivery ratio upto 15 %, reduction of average end-to-end delay and packet loss due to interface queue overflow upto 25 % and 14 % respectively, as compared to the static rate adaptation scheme.
Author(s) Name:  Muhammad Saleem Khan, Saira Waris, Ihsan Ali, Majid I. Khan and Mohammad Hossein Anisi
Journal name:  Mobile Networks and Applications
Conferrence name:  
Publisher name:  Springer
DOI:  10.1007/s11036-016-0780-y
Volume Information:  Volume 23,2018
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