Author(s) Name:  Nabendu Chaki, Shilbhadra Dasgupta
"Mobile ad-hoc Network and Wireless Communications" comprehensively covers different aspects of wireless on-demand ad-hoc networks. This includes architecture, protocols & standards, routing, security, quality of services issues and advancement in wireless mesh networks including an appropriate coverage on cellular and hybrid networks.
The book emphasises on the most current research and development in the rapidly growing area of wireless, ad hoc networks. The text has been divided into three sections: Cellular Network and Mobile Computing, Wireless Ad-hoc Network and Recent Advances in Wireless and Ad-hoc Networks. It also explores the topics on TCP over ad-hoc networks, broadcasting, multi-casting and geo casting. The section on Recent Advances in Wireless and Ad-hoc Networks section includes detailed discussion on security, quality of service and also focuses on sensor networks, wireless mesh networks, VANET and includes a case study to demonstrate recent research trends on position based routing.
ISBN:  9781842656860
Publisher:  Association for Computing Machinery
Year of Publication:  2012
Book Link:  Home Page Url