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Neighbor Knowledge-based Rebroadcast algorithm for minimizing the routing overhead in Mobile Ad-hoc Networks - 2019

Neighbor Knowledge-based Rebroadcast algorithm for minimizing the routing overhead in Mobile Ad-hoc Networks

Research Area:  Mobile Ad Hoc Networks


Mobile Ad-hoc Networks are constructed without any administration, providing the quality of service in spite of routing overhead. In MANET, it is impossible for a mobile host to contact with other hosts in a single-hop fashion. In a multi-hop scenario, packets sent by the source host are relayed by a number of intermediate hosts before reaching the destination host. Due to node mobility in MANETs, frequent path failures and route discoveries occur. Hence, RREQ (Route Request) packets have to be broadcasted for finding the route. This leads to excessive redundant retransmission of RREQ packets. This strategy induces routing overhead in MANET. In this paper, we propose a reliable routing method to obtain the Quality of Service in MANET. The bandwidth requirement is calculated using the strength of the nodes signal in the established nodes. The selection of route is based on the fewer amounts of delay and strong stability. To ascertain the route more efficient than traditional broadcasting style, rebroadcast can be done with the assistance of neighbor knowledge methods. Here, NKR (Neighbor Knowledge-based Rebroadcast) algorithm and LVC (Loose Virtual Clustering) algorithm are used for routing overhead reduction in MANETs. The experimental results prove that the proposed work performs well in terms of routing overhead, network traffic and successful broadcast of data packets in the network.


Author(s) Name:  Y. Harold Robinson,R. Santhana Krishnan,E. Golden Julie,Raghvendra Kumar,Le Hoang Son,Pham Huy Thong,

Journal name:  Ad Hoc Networks

Conferrence name:  

Publisher name:   Elsevier B.V.

DOI:  10.1016/j.adhoc.2019.101896

Volume Information:  Volume 93, October 2019, 101896