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Opposition Based Artificial Flora Algorithm for Load Balancing in LTE Network - 2021

Opposition Based Artificial Flora Algorithm for Load Balancing in LTE Network

Research Area:  Mobile Ad Hoc Networks


In recent years, telecommunication is progressed due to the development of Long-Term Evolution (LTE) standards. This LTE network provides high-speed wireless communication for mobile devices and satisfies the requirements of customers from multi-cells. However, due to the congestion of mobile devices, each cell in the network may get overloaded. So, load balancing is the main challenge to the LTE network for reducing congestion or load in the cell. For load balancing, the optimal cell selection method is presented in this paper. Initially, the load factor of each cell is estimated. Then the load factor is compared with the predefined threshold load value. After the comparison, the heavy loaded cell handover the users to the optimal cell or cell with minimum load. This optimal cell is selected with the Opposition Based Artificial Flora (OAF) algorithm. Simulation results show that the proposed approach decreases 6% of the call blocking ratio (CBR) and 14% of Call Dropping Ratio (CDR) than the previous approaches.


Author(s) Name:  A. Ranjith Kumar, R. Vinoth & Padmanathan Kasinathan

Journal name:  Wireless Personal Communications

Conferrence name:  

Publisher name:  Springer

DOI:  10.1007/s11277-020-08006-6

Volume Information:  volume 118, pages 141–159 (2021)