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Optimized Fuzzy System Dependent Trust Score for Mobile AdHoc Network - 2021

Optimized Fuzzy System Dependent Trust Score for Mobile AdHoc Network

Research Area:  Mobile Ad Hoc Networks


Mobile Ad-Hoc Network (MANET) consist a numerous nodes and these nodes are structured with remote transceivers. These nodes forward the message with one another by getting to the typical channel. In MANET, security is the principle challenge to be analyzed. Due to the behaviour of malevolent nodes, the network security is weakened. Along these lines, the significant goal of this research is to enhance the network security by detecting the malevolent nodes. So, for the detection of malevolent node, an effective trust management method is presented in this paper. Improving the trust score the optimized fuzzy framework is proposed. For enhancing the execution of the fuzzy framework, the triangular membership function of the input parameters is improved with the Cat Swarm Optimization. After estimating the trust score for every node in the network, threshold depend decision module is processed for detecting the activity of malevolent nodes. Implementation results illustrate that the execution of the proposed model achieves maximum network lifetime and minimum energy consumption.


Author(s) Name:  Kavitha Thangaraj,Dejey Dharma

Journal name:  Wireless Personal Communications

Conferrence name:  

Publisher name:  Springer

DOI:  10.1007/s11277-020-07984-x

Volume Information:  volume 117, pages 3255–3269 (2021)