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Routing Protocols in Mobile Ad-Hoc Network: A Review

Routing Protocols in Mobile Ad-Hoc Network: A Review

Trending Research Book in Routing Protocols in Mobile Ad-Hoc Network: A Review

Author(s) Name:  Bahuguna Renu, Mandoria Hardwari lal, Tayal Pranavi

About the Book:

   Mobile ad-hoc network comprises of wireless nodes that communicate each other by exchanging the information. The path chosen for transferring the information from one node to another node is called routing and the protocols used is called routing protocols.
   The requirement of routing protocol is to send and receive information among the nodes with best suited path with the minimum delay. Correct and efficient route establishment between a pair of nodes is the primary goal of routing protocol . Many routing protocols for manet have been proposed earlier.
   Performance analysis of routing protocol is a significant challenge in the research area. This paper, gives a review work done on existing protocols characteristics of MANET and comparison between them.

ISBN:  9783642379482

Publisher:  Packt Publishing Ltd

Year of Publication:  2013

Book Link:  Home Page Url