Author(s) Name:  Ahmed Abdel Moamen, Haitham S. Hamza, Iman A. Saroit
A mobile ad-hoc network (MANET) is a collection of autonomous nodes that communicate with each other by forming a multi-hop radio network. Routing protocols in MANETs define how routes between source and destination nodes are established and maintained. Multicast routing provides a bandwidth-efficient means for supporting group-oriented applications.
The increasing demand for such applications coupled with the inherent characteristics of MANETs (e.g., lack of infrastructure and node mobility) have made secure multicast routing a crucial yet challenging issue. Recently, several multicast routing protocols (MRP) have been proposed in MANETs. Depending on whether security is built-in or added, MRP can be classified into two types: secure and security-enhanced routing protocols, respectively.
This paper presents a survey on secure and security-enhanced MRP along with their security techniques and the types of attacks they can confront. A detailed comparison for the capability of the various routing protocols against some known attacks is also presented and analyzed. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
ISBN:  3659249882
Publisher:  Wiley Online Library
Year of Publication:  2013
Book Link:  Home Page Url