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ZBLE: Zone Based Efficient Energy Multipath Protocol for Routing in Mobile Ad Hoc Networks - 2020

ZBLE: Zone Based Efficient Energy Multipath Protocol for Routing in Mobile Ad Hoc Networks

Research Area:  Mobile Ad Hoc Networks


Mobile ad-hoc networks (MANETs) are groups of independent nodes where the nodes do not feel the need for any infrastructure or central administration mechanism. These notes are self configured and individual. The primary purpose of this type of network is to ensure network quality. Network communication needs to be efficient and effective to achieve this objective. This type of network is formed using dynamic topology. These nodes require batteries to operate. Due to the limited battery capacity and high mobility of wireless networks, nodes present in the network soon lose battery energy. It is extremely valuable to use battery power carefully. The energy strength of the nodes affects the performance of any network. Therefore this energy power should be used in such a way that energy consumption is minimized and the performance of the network can be improved. Through this paper, the performance of the network is improved using a zone-based mechanism, which has been created by modifying the AOMDV protocol, by improving power usage. That protocol Referred to “Zone-Based Leader Election Energy Constrained AOMDV Routing Protocol (ZBLE)”. This protocol makes a great impact on metrics such as energy consumption and network lifetime by using the energy power of nodes in a very efficient manner by selecting the best path from the multipath based on labels, node tracking, and power analysis. A comparison of this protocol is presented by analyzing the performance of the network using NS2.35 from traditional routing protocols i.e. AOMDV and AODV. The ZBLE protocol presents more reliable results from this analysis.


Author(s) Name:  Rani SahuSanjay Sharma,Sanjay Sharma

Journal name:  Wireless Personal Communications

Conferrence name:  

Publisher name:  Springer

DOI:  10.1007/s11277-020-07345-8

Volume Information:   volume 113, pages 2641–2659 (2020)