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Check Point As An Alternative To Access Control Lists in Modern Network Security

Check Point As An Alternative To Access Control Lists in Modern Network Security

Good PhD Thesis on Check Point As An Alternative To Access Control Lists in Modern Network Security

Research Area:  Network Security


   The scope of monitoring activities on a network is not an easy task. Users constantly try to retrieve information and documents while hackers try every minute to gain access. Protection, being the key-word, is what is needed in both private and public networks to safeguard relevant information from being stolen or misused because no network is truly or completely safe. This project is about modern Network Security using Check Point as against Access Control List (ACL). The research focuses more on devices embedded on WAN and used in many network scenarios, including implementation using Check Point security.
   ACLs are used to filter traffic in parts of the network by denying or allowing flow of traffic to and from these parts. The list has an entry for each system user with access privileges. This is useful as a means of security from both internal and external attacks. Modern networks require a more dependable form of data security.
   The research will focus on Check Point as a modern security tool, which makes use of Stateful inspection firewall system. Comparisons will be made on the benefits of depending solely on packet filtering and the combination of both stateful inspection and packet filtering in today’s firewall architecture deployment in large and small companies.

Name of the Researcher:  Emmanuel Etuk

Name of the Supervisor(s):  Risto Passoja

Year of Completion:  2016

University:  Centria University

Thesis Link:   Home Page Url