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Large-scale Measurements for Enhancing Network Security

Large-scale Measurements for Enhancing Network Security

Great PhD Thesis on Large-scale Measurements for Enhancing Network Security

Research Area:  Network Security


   It is impossible to imagine modern society without the Internet. An increasing number of processes are being digitalized, which indicates that, in turn, an increasing number of devices are being networked. Thus, it is essential to understand what ubiquitous networking means with regard to changes concerning the Internet. Additionally, legal regulations such as the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) have to be enforced given that network security will become more important in the future.
   The effect of these developments can be empirically evaluated through systematic measurements and studies, and potential problems can be detected as early as possible. In this thesis, we present five measurement studies on network security topics. We consider the Domain Name System (DNS) as a fundamental protocol, which is essential for the comfortable use of the Internet, and the World Wide Web (WWW), as the evolution of the Web affects every user of the Internet on the application level.

Name of the Researcher:  Dennis Tatang

Name of the Supervisor(s):  Thorsten Holz

Year of Completion:  2021

University:  Ruhr University

Thesis Link:   Home Page Url