Leading SCIE and SCOPUS Indexed Journals in Robotics
Leading SCIE and SCOPUS Indexed Journals in Robotics
Robotics is a mechanical system having predefined programs provided by humans and a set of general guidelines using artificial intelligence tactics to perform automated tasks. It reduces the complexity, human energy, saves time, minimizing the effort of complicated tasks. There are many exciting application areas of robotics such as Robotics in Space, medical use, defense, Hazardous Environments, and many others. Many journals of robotics publish original research articles as well as review articles on robotics and provide emerging areas of research within a field. This list aims to provide a top-ranking journal and provides all aspects of automated devices, from their design and fabrication to testing and practical implementation. These journals also provide state-of-the-art research, literature, and robotics survey with journal rank, high impact factor, Cite Score, Scientific Journal Rank (SJR), and H-Index.