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A Review On Software-Defined Networking Enabled Iot Cloud Computing - 2019

A Review On Software-Defined Networking Enabled Iot Cloud Computing

Survey Paper On Software-Defined Networking Enabled Iot Cloud Computing

Research Area:  Software Defined Networks


Making use of Internet of Things (IoT) is becoming the necessity of today’s life. The data collected and stored through IoT devices comes from the cloud and therefore cloud computing is acting as a backbone for supporting IoT. But it is easy to forget that the cloud is not completely digital in some areas of the world and there is a need for a data centre where data storage can be achieved. Cloud data centres are facing many difficulties and issues because they are using traditional methods of networking. This is where Software Defined Networking (SDN) has come into view; where it has changed the way traditional networks are operated. For example, the separation of the intelligence of the network devices within the data path can be useful in making networks agile and manageable. This paper aims to provide problem areas in the networking used by the cloud data centres and the role of SDN to overcome these issues. Platforms for providing the experimental setup for collaboration between SDN and cloud will ultimately be beneficial in setting up the SDN- enabled IoT cloud, and this is also discussed with the open research problems.

IoT (Internet of Things)
Software Defined Networking (SDN)
Data center networks
Cloud Computing
Data center network

Author(s) Name:   Sumit Badotra , S.N. Panda

Journal name:   IIUM Engineering Journal

Conferrence name:  

Publisher name:  International Islamic University Malaysia

DOI:  10.31436/iiumej.v20i2.1130

Volume Information:   Vol. 20 No. 2 (2019)