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Software Defined Networking for Ad Hoc Networks

Software Defined Networking for Ad Hoc Networks

Latest Research Book in Software Defined Networking for Ad Hoc Networks

Author(s) Name:  Mangesh M. Ghonge, Sabyasachi Pramanik, Amol D. Potgantwar

About the Book:

   This book offers a comprehensive overview of Software-Defined Network (SDN) based ad-hoc network technologies and exploits recent developments in this domain, with a focus on emerging technologies in SDN based ad-hoc networks. The authors offer practical and innovative applications in Network Security, Smart Cities, e-health, and Intelligent Systems. This book also addresses several key issues in SDN energy-efficient systems, the Internet of Things, Big Data, Cloud Computing and Virtualization, Machine Learning, Deep Learning, and Cryptography. The book includes different ad hoc networks such as MANETs and VANETs, along with a focus on evaluating and comparing existing SDN-related research on various parameters. The book provides students, researchers, and practicing engineers with an expert guide to the fundamental concepts, challenges, architecture, applications, and state-of-the-art developments in the field.
   Presents Software-Defined Network (SDN) based ad-hoc network technologies with a focus on emerging technologies.Presents SDN requirements over traditional networking, followed by an elaboration on the fundamental architecture and its layers.Covers the effect of the SDN paradigm along with implementation problems in contact with ad hoc networks and examines probable use cases based on the SDN paradigm.

Table of Contents

  • Software-Defined Networks A Brief Overview and Survey of Services
  • Software-Defined Network-Based Vehicular Ad Hoc Networks: A Comprehensive Review
  • Modern Technique for Interactive Communication in LEACH-Based Ad Hoc Wireless Sensor Network
  • Security Challenges in 5G Network
  • Software-Defined Networking-Based Ad hoc Networks Routing Protocols
  • Fuzzy Approach-Based Stable Energy-Efficient AODV Routing Protocol in Mobile Ad hoc Networks
  • Security Approaches to SDN-Based Ad hoc Wireless Network Toward 5G Communication
  • ISBN:  978-3-030-91149-2

    Publisher:  Springer, Cham

    Year of Publication:  2022

    Book Link:  Home Page Url