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What Are The Energest Types Predefined by Contiki-Ng Platforms

Energest Types Predefined That All Contiki-Ng Platforms Should Support

Energest Types Predefined That All Contiki-Ng Platforms Should Support


   The Energest module can be used to implement lightweight, software-based energy estimation approach for resource-constrained IoT devices. By tracking the time various hardware components such as the radio is turned on, and by knowing the power consumption of the component, it is possible to estimate the energy consumption.

There are five Energest types predefined that all Contiki-NG platforms should support.

Function Purpose
ENERGEST_TYPE_LPM The CPU is in low power mode.
ENERGEST_TYPE_DEEP_LPM The CPU is in deep low power mode.
ENERGEST_TYPE_TRANSMIT The radio is transmitting.
ENERGEST_TYPE_LISTEN The radio is listening.

 The first three are used to track the different modes of the CPU. Not all CPUs support both LPM and deep LPM and in that case, the unused type will always report 0 as time.

 The latter two types are used to track when the radio is turned on and the state of the radio.