Description: Creating a fog environment in iFogSim involves defining the hierarchical infrastructure of computational resources, including cloud servers, fog nodes, and edge devices, along with their configurations and interconnections. The process begins with setting up FogDevice objects to represent entities like cloud data centers, gateway devices, and end-user devices, specifying parameters such as processing power, storage capacity, RAM, energy consumption, and cost. Network connections between these devices are established using attributes like bandwidth and latency to model realistic data transfer rates. Sensors and actuators are defined to simulate data generation and output interactions, linked to fog nodes for processing. Additionally, application modules, which represent tasks or services, are deployed across the fog environment using suitable placement and scheduling strategies. iFogSim provides APIs to configure and simulate this environment, enabling experimentation with various configurations to evaluate performance metrics like latency, energy consumption, and resource utilization.
Step 1: Initialize CloudSim Package
CloudSim.init(num_user, calendar, trace_flag);
Step 2: Create FogBroker
FogBroker broker = new FogBroker("broker");
Step 3: Create Application
Application application = Application.createApplication(appId, userId); application.addAppModule("object_detector", 10); application.addAppEdge("CAMERA", "motion_detector", 1000, 20000, "CAMERA", Tuple.UP, AppEdge.SENSOR); application.addTupleMapping("motion_detector", "CAMERA", "MOTION_VIDEO_STREAM", new FractionalSelectivity(1.0)); final AppLoop loop1 = new AppLoop(new ArrayList() {{add("motion_detector");add("object_detector");add("object_tracker");}}); List loops = new ArrayList(){{add(loop1);add(loop2);}}; application.setLoops(loops); return application;
package fogsamples;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Calendar;
import java.util.LinkedList;
import java.util.List;
import org.cloudbus.cloudsim.Host;
import org.cloudbus.cloudsim.Log;
import org.cloudbus.cloudsim.Pe;
import org.cloudbus.cloudsim.Storage;
import org.cloudbus.cloudsim.core.CloudSim;
import org.cloudbus.cloudsim.power.PowerHost;
import org.cloudbus.cloudsim.provisioners.RamProvisionerSimple;
import org.cloudbus.cloudsim.sdn.overbooking.BwProvisionerOverbooking;
import org.cloudbus.cloudsim.sdn.overbooking.PeProvisionerOverbooking;
import org.fog.application.AppEdge;
import org.fog.application.AppLoop;
import org.fog.application.Application;
import org.fog.application.selectivity.FractionalSelectivity;
import org.fog.entities.Actuator;
import org.fog.entities.FogBroker;
import org.fog.entities.FogDevice;
import org.fog.entities.FogDeviceCharacteristics;
import org.fog.entities.Sensor;
import org.fog.entities.Tuple;
import org.fog.placement.Controller;
import org.fog.placement.ModuleMapping;
import org.fog.placement.ModulePlacementEdgewards;
import org.fog.placement.ModulePlacementOnlyCloud;
import org.fog.policy.AppModuleAllocationPolicy;
import org.fog.scheduler.StreamOperatorScheduler;
import org.fog.utils.FogLinearPowerModel;
import org.fog.utils.FogUtils;
import org.fog.utils.TimeKeeper;
import org.fog.utils.distribution.DeterministicDistribution;
public class FogEnvironment {
static List fogDevices = new ArrayList();
static List mobiles = new ArrayList();
static List sensors = new ArrayList();
static List actuators = new ArrayList();
static int numOfDepts = 1;
static int numOfMobilesPerDept = 2;
static double EEG_TRANSMISSION_TIME = 5.1;
//static double EEG_TRANSMISSION_TIME = 10;
public static void main(String[] args) {
Log.printLine("Starting TwoApplication...");
try {
int num_user = 1; // number of cloud users
Calendar calendar = Calendar.getInstance();
boolean trace_flag = false; // mean trace events
CloudSim.init(num_user, calendar, trace_flag);
String appId0 = "Application_0";
String appId1 = "Application_1";
String appId2 = "Application_2";
String appId3 = "Application_3";
String appId4 = "Application_4";
FogBroker broker0 = new FogBroker("broker_0");
FogBroker broker1 = new FogBroker("broker_1");
FogBroker broker2 = new FogBroker("broker_2");
FogBroker broker3 = new FogBroker("broker_3");
FogBroker broker4 = new FogBroker("broker_4");
Application application0 = createApplication0(appId0, broker0.getId());
Application application1 = createApplication1(appId1, broker1.getId());
Application application2 = createApplication2(appId2, broker2.getId());
Application application3 = createApplication3(appId3, broker3.getId());
Application application4 = createApplication4(appId4, broker4.getId());
createEdgeDevices0(broker0.getId(), appId0);
createEdgeDevices1(broker1.getId(), appId1);
createEdgeDevices2(broker2.getId(), appId2);
createEdgeDevices3(broker3.getId(), appId3);
createEdgeDevices4(broker4.getId(), appId4);
ModuleMapping moduleMapping_0 = ModuleMapping.createModuleMapping(); // initializing a module mapping
ModuleMapping moduleMapping_1 = ModuleMapping.createModuleMapping();
ModuleMapping moduleMapping_2 = ModuleMapping.createModuleMapping();
ModuleMapping moduleMapping_3 = ModuleMapping.createModuleMapping();
ModuleMapping moduleMapping_4 = ModuleMapping.createModuleMapping();
Controller controller = new Controller("master-controller", fogDevices, sensors, actuators);
controller.submitApplication(application0, new ModulePlacementOnlyCloud(fogDevices, sensors, actuators, application0));
controller.submitApplication(application1, new ModulePlacementEdgewards(fogDevices, sensors, actuators, application1, moduleMapping_1));
controller.submitApplication(application2, new ModulePlacementEdgewards(fogDevices, sensors, actuators, application2, moduleMapping_2));
controller.submitApplication(application3, new ModulePlacementEdgewards(fogDevices, sensors, actuators, application3, moduleMapping_3));
controller.submitApplication(application4, new ModulePlacementEdgewards(fogDevices, sensors, actuators, application4, moduleMapping_4));
Log.printLine("Two Application Finished!");
} catch (Exception e) {
Log.printLine("Unwanted errors happen");
private static void createEdgeDevices0(int userId, String appId) {
for (FogDevice mobile : mobiles) {
String id = mobile.getName();
Sensor eegSensor = new Sensor("s-" + appId + "-" + id, "EEG", userId, appId, new DeterministicDistribution(EEG_TRANSMISSION_TIME)); // inter-transmission time of EEG sensor follows a deterministic distribution
Actuator display = new Actuator("a-" + appId + "-" + id, userId, appId, "DISPLAY");
eegSensor.setLatency(6.0); // latency of connection between EEG sensors and the parent Smartphone is 6 ms
display.setLatency(1.0); // latency of connection between Display actuator and the parent Smartphone is 1 ms
private static void createEdgeDevices1(int userId, String appId) {
for (FogDevice mobile : mobiles) {
String id = mobile.getName();
Sensor eegSensor = new Sensor("s-" + appId + "-" + id, "EEG_1", userId, appId, new DeterministicDistribution(EEG_TRANSMISSION_TIME)); // inter-transmission time of EEG sensor follows a deterministic distribution
Actuator display = new Actuator("a-" + appId + "-" + id, userId, appId, "DISPLAY_1");
eegSensor.setLatency(6.0); // latency of connection between EEG sensors and the parent Smartphone is 6 ms
display.setLatency(1.0); // latency of connection between Display actuator and the parent Smartphone is 1 ms
private static void createEdgeDevices2(int userId, String appId) {
for (FogDevice mobile : mobiles) {
String id = mobile.getName();
Sensor eegSensor = new Sensor("s-" + appId + "-" + id, "EEG_2", userId, appId, new DeterministicDistribution(EEG_TRANSMISSION_TIME)); // inter-transmission time of EEG sensor follows a deterministic distribution
Actuator display = new Actuator("a-" + appId + "-" + id, userId, appId, "DISPLAY_2");
eegSensor.setLatency(6.0); // latency of connection between EEG sensors and the parent Smartphone is 6 ms
display.setLatency(1.0); // latency of connection between Display actuator and the parent Smartphone is 1 ms
private static void createEdgeDevices3(int userId, String appId) {
for (FogDevice mobile : mobiles) {
String id = mobile.getName();
Sensor eegSensor = new Sensor("s-" + appId + "-" + id, "EEG_3", userId, appId, new DeterministicDistribution(EEG_TRANSMISSION_TIME)); // inter-transmission time of EEG sensor follows a deterministic distribution
Actuator display = new Actuator("a-" + appId + "-" + id, userId, appId, "DISPLAY_3");
eegSensor.setLatency(6.0); // latency of connection between EEG sensors and the parent Smartphone is 6 ms
display.setLatency(1.0); // latency of connection between Display actuator and the parent Smartphone is 1 ms
private static void createEdgeDevices4(int userId, String appId) {
for (FogDevice mobile : mobiles) {
String id = mobile.getName();
Sensor eegSensor = new Sensor("s-" + appId + "-" + id, "EEG_4", userId, appId, new DeterministicDistribution(EEG_TRANSMISSION_TIME)); // inter-transmission time of EEG sensor follows a deterministic distribution
Actuator display = new Actuator("a-" + appId + "-" + id, userId, appId, "DISPLAY_4");
eegSensor.setLatency(6.0); // latency of connection between EEG sensors and the parent Smartphone is 6 ms
display.setLatency(1.0); // latency of connection between Display actuator and the parent Smartphone is 1 ms
* Creates the fog devices in the physical topology of the simulation.
* @param userId
* @param appId
private static void createFogDevices() {
FogDevice cloud = createFogDevice("cloud", 44800, 40000, 100, 10000, 0, 0.01, 16 * 103, 16 * 83.25); // creates the fog device Cloud at the apex of the hierarchy with level=0
FogDevice proxy = createFogDevice("proxy-server", 2800, 4000, 10000, 10000, 1, 0.0, 107.339, 83.4333); // creates the fog device Proxy Server (level=1)
proxy.setParentId(cloud.getId()); // setting Cloud as parent of the Proxy Server
proxy.setUplinkLatency(100); // latency of connection from Proxy Server to the Cloud is 100 ms
for (int i = 0; i < numOfDepts; i++) {
addGw(i + "", proxy.getId()); // adding a fog device for every Gateway in physical topology. The parent of each gateway is the Proxy Server
private static FogDevice addGw(String id, int parentId) {
FogDevice dept = createFogDevice("d-" + id, 2800, 4000, 10000, 10000, 1, 0.0, 107.339, 83.4333);
dept.setUplinkLatency(4); // latency of connection between gateways and proxy server is 4 ms
for (int i = 0; i < numOfMobilesPerDept; i++) {
String mobileId = id + "-" + i;
FogDevice mobile = addMobile(mobileId, dept.getId()); // adding mobiles to the physical topology. Smartphones have been modeled as fog devices as well.
mobile.setUplinkLatency(2); // latency of connection between the smartphone and proxy server is 4 ms
return dept;
private static FogDevice addMobile(String id, int parentId) {
FogDevice mobile = createFogDevice("m-" + id, 1000, 1000, 10000, 270, 3, 0, 87.53, 82.44);
Sensor eegSensor = new Sensor("s-"+id, "EEG", userId, appId, new DeterministicDistribution(EEG_TRANSMISSION_TIME)); // inter-transmission time of EEG sensor follows a deterministic distribution
Actuator display = new Actuator("a-"+id, userId, appId, "DISPLAY");
eegSensor.setLatency(6.0); // latency of connection between EEG sensors and the parent Smartphone is 6 ms
display.setLatency(1.0); // latency of connection between Display actuator and the parent Smartphone is 1 ms
return mobile;
private static FogDevice createFogDevice(String nodeName, long mips,
int ram, long upBw, long downBw, int level, double ratePerMips, double busyPower, double idlePower) {
List peList = new ArrayList();
// 3. Create PEs and add these into a list.
peList.add(new Pe(0, new PeProvisionerOverbooking(mips))); // need to store Pe id and MIPS Rating
int hostId = FogUtils.generateEntityId();
long storage = 1000000; // host storage
int bw = 10000;
PowerHost host = new PowerHost(
new RamProvisionerSimple(ram),
new BwProvisionerOverbooking(bw),
new StreamOperatorScheduler(peList),
new FogLinearPowerModel(busyPower, idlePower)
List hostList = new ArrayList();
String arch = "x86"; // system architecture
String os = "Linux"; // operating system
String vmm = "Xen";
double time_zone = 10.0; // time zone this resource located
double cost = 3.0; // the cost of using processing in this resource
double costPerMem = 0.05; // the cost of using memory in this resource
double costPerStorage = 0.001; // the cost of using storage in this
// resource
double costPerBw = 0.0; // the cost of using bw in this resource
LinkedList storageList = new LinkedList(); // we are not adding SAN
// devices by now
FogDeviceCharacteristics characteristics = new FogDeviceCharacteristics(
arch, os, vmm, host, time_zone, cost, costPerMem,
costPerStorage, costPerBw);
FogDevice fogdevice = null;
try {
fogdevice = new FogDevice(nodeName, characteristics,
new AppModuleAllocationPolicy(hostList), storageList, 10, upBw, downBw, 0, ratePerMips);
} catch (Exception e) {
return fogdevice;
* Function to create the EEG Tractor Beam game application in the DDF
* model.
* @param appId unique identifier of the application
* @param userId identifier of the user of the application
* @return
private static Application createApplication0(String appId, int userId) {
Application application = Application.createApplication(appId, userId); // creates an empty application model (empty directed graph)
* Adding modules (vertices) to the application model (directed graph)
application.addAppModule("client", 10); // adding module Client to the application model
application.addAppModule("concentration_calculator", 10); // adding module Concentration Calculator to the application model
application.addAppModule("connector", 10); // adding module Connector to the application model
* Connecting the application modules (vertices) in the application model (directed graph) with edges
application.addAppEdge("EEG", "client", 2000, 500, "EEG", Tuple.UP, AppEdge.SENSOR); // adding edge from EEG (sensor) to Client module carrying tuples of type EEG
} else {
application.addAppEdge("EEG", "client", 3000, 500, "EEG", Tuple.UP, AppEdge.SENSOR);
application.addAppEdge("client", "concentration_calculator", 3500, 500, "_SENSOR", Tuple.UP, AppEdge.MODULE); // adding edge from Client to Concentration Calculator module carrying tuples of type _SENSOR
application.addAppEdge("concentration_calculator", "connector", 100, 1000, 1000, "PLAYER_GAME_STATE", Tuple.UP, AppEdge.MODULE); // adding periodic edge
(period=1000ms) from Concentration Calculator to Connector module carrying tuples of type PLAYER_GAME_STATE
application.addAppEdge("concentration_calculator", "client", 14, 500, "CONCENTRATION", Tuple.DOWN, AppEdge.MODULE); // adding edge from Concentration Calculator to Client module carrying tuples of type CONCENTRATION
application.addAppEdge("connector", "client", 100, 28, 1000, "GLOBAL_GAME_STATE", Tuple.DOWN, AppEdge.MODULE); // adding periodic edge (period=1000ms) from Connector to Client module carrying tuples of type GLOBAL_GAME_STATE
application.addAppEdge("client", "DISPLAY", 1000, 500, "SELF_STATE_UPDATE", Tuple.DOWN, AppEdge.ACTUATOR); // adding edge from Client module to Display (actuator) carrying tuples of type SELF_STATE_UPDATE
application.addAppEdge("client", "DISPLAY", 1000, 500, "GLOBAL_STATE_UPDATE", Tuple.DOWN, AppEdge.ACTUATOR); // adding edge from Client module to Display (actuator) carrying tuples of type GLOBAL_STATE_UPDATE
* Defining the input-output relationships (represented by selectivity) of the application modules.
application.addTupleMapping("client", "EEG", "_SENSOR", new FractionalSelectivity(0.9)); // 0.9 tuples of type _SENSOR are emitted by Client module per incoming tuple of type EEG
application.addTupleMapping("client", "CONCENTRATION", "SELF_STATE_UPDATE", new FractionalSelectivity(1.0)); // 1.0 tuples of type SELF_STATE_UPDATE are emitted by Client module per incoming tuple of type CONCENTRATION
application.addTupleMapping("concentration_calculator", "_SENSOR", "CONCENTRATION", new FractionalSelectivity(1.0)); // 1.0 tuples of type CONCENTRATION are emitted by Concentration Calculator module per incoming tuple of type _SENSOR
application.addTupleMapping("client", "GLOBAL_GAME_STATE", "GLOBAL_STATE_UPDATE", new FractionalSelectivity(1.0)); // 1.0 tuples of type GLOBAL_STATE_UPDATE are emitted by Client module per incoming tuple of type GLOBAL_GAME_STATE
* Defining application loops to monitor the latency of.
* Here, we add only one loop for monitoring : EEG(sensor) -> Client -> Concentration Calculator -> Client -> DISPLAY (actuator)
final AppLoop loop1 = new AppLoop(new ArrayList() {
List loops = new ArrayList() {
return application;
private static Application createApplication1(String appId, int userId) {
Application application = Application.createApplication(appId, userId); // creates an empty application model (empty directed graph)
* Adding modules (vertices) to the application model (directed graph)
application.addAppModule("client_1", 10); // adding module Client to the application model
application.addAppModule("concentration_calculator_1", 10); // adding module Concentration Calculator to the application model
application.addAppModule("connector_1", 10); // adding module Connector to the application model
* Connecting the application modules (vertices) in the application model (directed graph) with edges
application.addAppEdge("EEG_1", "client_1", 2000, 500, "EEG_1", Tuple.UP, AppEdge.SENSOR); // adding edge from EEG (sensor) to Client module carrying tuples of type EEG
} else {
application.addAppEdge("EEG_1", "client_1", 3000, 500, "EEG_1", Tuple.UP, AppEdge.SENSOR);
application.addAppEdge("client_1", "concentration_calculator_1", 3500, 500, "_SENSOR_1", Tuple.UP, AppEdge.MODULE); // adding edge from Client to Concentration Calculator module carrying tuples of type _SENSOR
application.addAppEdge("concentration_calculator_1", "connector_1", 100, 1000, 1000, "PLAYER_GAME_STATE_1", Tuple.UP, AppEdge.MODULE); // adding periodic edge (period=1000ms) from Concentration Calculator to Connector module carrying tuples of type PLAYER_GAME_STATE
application.addAppEdge("concentration_calculator_1", "client_1", 14, 500, "CONCENTRATION_1", Tuple.DOWN, AppEdge.MODULE); // adding edge from Concentration Calculator to Client module carrying tuples of type CONCENTRATION
application.addAppEdge("connector_1", "client_1", 100, 28, 1000, "GLOBAL_GAME_STATE_1", Tuple.DOWN, AppEdge.MODULE); // adding periodic edge (period=1000ms) from Connector to Client module carrying tuples of type GLOBAL_GAME_STATE
application.addAppEdge("client_1", "DISPLAY_1", 1000, 500, "SELF_STATE_UPDATE_1", Tuple.DOWN, AppEdge.ACTUATOR); // adding edge from Client module to Display (actuator) carrying tuples of type SELF_STATE_UPDATE
application.addAppEdge("client_1", "DISPLAY_1", 1000, 500, "GLOBAL_STATE_UPDATE_1", Tuple.DOWN, AppEdge.ACTUATOR); // adding edge from Client module to Display (actuator) carrying tuples of type GLOBAL_STATE_UPDATE
* Defining the input-output relationships (represented by selectivity) of the application modules.
application.addTupleMapping("client_1", "EEG_1", "_SENSOR_1", new FractionalSelectivity(0.9)); // 0.9 tuples of type _SENSOR are emitted by Client module per incoming tuple of type EEG
application.addTupleMapping("client_1", "CONCENTRATION_1", "SELF_STATE_UPDATE_1", new FractionalSelectivity(1.0)); // 1.0 tuples of type SELF_STATE_UPDATE are emitted by Client module per incoming tuple of type CONCENTRATION
application.addTupleMapping("concentration_calculator_1", "_SENSOR_1", "CONCENTRATION_1", new FractionalSelectivity(1.0)); // 1.0 tuples of type CONCENTRATION are emitted by Concentration Calculator module per incoming tuple of type _SENSOR
application.addTupleMapping("client_1", "GLOBAL_GAME_STATE_1", "GLOBAL_STATE_UPDATE_1", new FractionalSelectivity(1.0)); // 1.0 tuples of type GLOBAL_STATE_UPDATE are emitted by Client module per incoming tuple of type GLOBAL_GAME_STATE
* Defining application loops to monitor the latency of.
* Here, we add only one loop for monitoring : EEG(sensor) -> Client -> Concentration Calculator -> Client -> DISPLAY (actuator)
final AppLoop loop1 = new AppLoop(new ArrayList() {
List loops = new ArrayList() {
return application;
private static Application createApplication2(String appId, int userId) {
* Adding modules (vertices) to the application model (directed graph)
application.addAppModule("client_2", 10);
application.addAppModule("concentration_calculator_2", 10);
application.addAppModule("connector_2", 10);
* Connecting the application modules (vertices) in the application model (directed graph) with edges
application.addAppEdge("EEG_2", "client_2", 2000, 500, "EEG_2", Tuple.UP, AppEdge.SENSOR); // adding edge from EEG (sensor) to Client module carrying tuples of type EEG
} else {
application.addAppEdge("EEG_2", "client_2", 3000, 500, "EEG_2", Tuple.UP, AppEdge.SENSOR);
application.addAppEdge("client_2", "concentration_calculator_2", 3500, 500, "_SENSOR_2", Tuple.UP, AppEdge.MODULE); // adding edge from Client to Concentration Calculator module carrying tuples of type _SENSOR
application.addAppEdge("concentration_calculator_2", "connector_2", 100, 1000, 1000, "PLAYER_GAME_STATE_2", Tuple.UP, AppEdge.MODULE); // adding periodic edge (period=1000ms) from Concentration Calculator to Connector module carrying tuples of type PLAYER_GAME_STATE
application.addAppEdge("concentration_calculator_2", "client_2", 14, 500, "CONCENTRATION_2", Tuple.DOWN, AppEdge.MODULE); // adding edge from Concentration Calculator to Client module carrying tuples of type CONCENTRATION
application.addAppEdge("connector_2", "client_2", 100, 28, 1000, "GLOBAL_GAME_STATE_2", Tuple.DOWN, AppEdge.MODULE); // adding periodic edge (period=1000ms) from Connector to Client module carrying tuples of type GLOBAL_GAME_STATE
application.addAppEdge("client_2", "DISPLAY_2", 1000, 500, "SELF_STATE_UPDATE_2", Tuple.DOWN, AppEdge.ACTUATOR); // adding edge from Client module to Display (actuator) carrying tuples of type SELF_STATE_UPDATE
application.addAppEdge("client_2", "DISPLAY_2", 1000, 500, "GLOBAL_STATE_UPDATE_2", Tuple.DOWN, AppEdge.ACTUATOR); // adding edge from Client module to Display (actuator) carrying tuples of type GLOBAL_STATE_UPDATE
* Defining the input-output relationships (represented by selectivity) of the application modules.
application.addTupleMapping("client_2", "EEG_2", "_SENSOR_2", new FractionalSelectivity(0.9)); // 0.9 tuples of type _SENSOR are emitted by Client module per incoming tuple of type EEG
application.addTupleMapping("client_2", "CONCENTRATION_2", "SELF_STATE_UPDATE_2", new FractionalSelectivity(1.0)); // 1.0 tuples of type SELF_STATE_UPDATE are emitted by Client module per incoming tuple of type CONCENTRATION
application.addTupleMapping("concentration_calculator_2", "_SENSOR_2", "CONCENTRATION_2", new FractionalSelectivity(1.0)); // 1.0 tuples of type CONCENTRATION are emitted by Concentration Calculator module per incoming tuple of type _SENSOR
application.addTupleMapping("client_2", "GLOBAL_GAME_STATE_2", "GLOBAL_STATE_UPDATE_2", new FractionalSelectivity(1.0)); // 1.0 tuples of type GLOBAL_STATE_UPDATE are emitted by Client module per incoming tuple of type GLOBAL_GAME_STATE
* Defining application loops to monitor the latency of.
* Here, we add only one loop for monitoring : EEG(sensor) -> Client -> Concentration Calculator -> Client -> DISPLAY (actuator)
final AppLoop loop1 = new AppLoop(new ArrayList() {
List loops = new ArrayList() {
return application;
private static Application createApplication3(String appId, int userId) {
Application application = Application.createApplication(appId, userId);// creates an empty application model (empty directed graph)
* Adding modules (vertices) to the application model (directed graph)
application.addAppModule("client_3", 10); // adding module Client to the application model
application.addAppModule("concentration_calculator_3", 10); // adding module Concentration Calculator to the application model
application.addAppModule("connector_3", 10); // adding module Connector to the application model
* Connecting the application modules (vertices) in the application model (directed graph) with edges
application.addAppEdge("EEG_3", "client_3", 2000, 500, "EEG_3", Tuple.UP, AppEdge.SENSOR); // adding edge from EEG (sensor) to Client module carrying tuples of type EEG
} else {
application.addAppEdge("EEG_3", "client_3", 3000, 500, "EEG_3", Tuple.UP, AppEdge.SENSOR);
application.addAppEdge("client_3", "concentration_calculator_3", 3500, 500, "_SENSOR_3", Tuple.UP, AppEdge.MODULE); // adding edge from Client to Concentration Calculator module carrying tuples of type _SENSOR
application.addAppEdge("concentration_calculator_3", "connector_3", 100, 1000, 1000, "PLAYER_GAME_STATE_3", Tuple.UP, AppEdge.MODULE); // adding periodic edge (period=1000ms) from Concentration Calculator to Connector module carrying tuples of type PLAYER_GAME_STATE
application.addAppEdge("concentration_calculator_3", "client_3", 14, 500, "CONCENTRATION_3", Tuple.DOWN, AppEdge.MODULE); // adding edge from Concentration Calculator to Client module carrying tuples of type CONCENTRATION
application.addTupleMapping("client_4", "EEG_4", "_SENSOR_4", new FractionalSelectivity(0.9)); // 0.9 tuples of type _SENSOR are emitted by Client module per incoming tuple of type EEG
application.addTupleMapping("client_4", "CONCENTRATION_2", "SELF_STATE_UPDATE_4", new FractionalSelectivity(1.0)); // 1.0 tuples of type SELF_STATE_UPDATE are emitted by Client module per incoming tuple of type CONCENTRATION
application.addTupleMapping("concentration_calculator_4", "_SENSOR_4", "CONCENTRATION_4", new FractionalSelectivity(1.0)); // 1.0 tuples of type CONCENTRATION are emitted by Concentration Calculator module per incoming tuple of type _SENSOR
application.addTupleMapping("client_4", "GLOBAL_GAME_STATE_4", "GLOBAL_STATE_UPDATE_4", new FractionalSelectivity(1.0)); // 1.0 tuples of type GLOBAL_STATE_UPDATE are emitted by Client module per incoming tuple of type GLOBAL_GAME_STATE
* Defining application loops to monitor the latency of.
* Here, we add only one loop for monitoring : EEG(sensor) -> Client -> Concentration Calculator -> Client -> DISPLAY (actuator)
final AppLoop loop1 = new AppLoop(new ArrayList() {
List loops = new ArrayList() {