How to Do Database Connectivity Using Java for Oracle Database?
Description for Database Connectivity Using Java for Oracle Database
Database connectivity in Java for an Oracle database involves using the JDBC API to load the Oracle JDBC driver, and configure a connection URL with the database's hostname, port, and service name or SID. The DriverManager class establishes the connection, and SQL queries are executed via Statement or PreparedStatement objects. Proper error handling and connection closure are essential for efficient resource management.
Steps for Database Connectivity
STEP 1: Click the **Services** tab. Expand the **Drivers** node from the Database Explorer. Right-click the MySQL (Connector/J driver) and select **Connect Using**. The New Database Connection dialog box will be displayed.
STEP 2: In the **Basic Setting** tab, enter the Database's URL in the corresponding text field. The URL identifies the type and location of a database server. The format is `jdbc:mysql://hostname:port/database_name`. Enter your **User Name** and **Password**.
STEP 3: Click **OK** to accept the credentials. This displays a new **Connection** node in the Database Explorer under the Databases node. Click **OK** to accept the default schema. Right-click the **MySQL Database URL** in the Services window (Ctrl-5). Click **Connect**. This opens the New Database Connection dialog box.