Description: To use JMenu in Java, the javax.swing.JMenu class is utilized to create menus in a graphical user interface. A JMenuBar is first created, which will hold the menu items. Then, one or more JMenu objects are created to represent individual menus, such as "File", "Edit", or "Help". Each JMenu can contain multiple JMenuItem objects, which represent the actions within that menu, like "Open", "Save", or "Exit". The add() method is used to add the JMenuItem objects to the respective JMenu. The JMenuBar is then set to the frame using frame.setJMenuBar(menuBar) to display the menu bar at the top of the application window. To handle user interactions, ActionListener can be attached to each menu item, triggering specific actions when selected. Menus can also include submenus, separators, and keyboard shortcuts for enhanced functionality.
public class JMenuExample {
public static void main(String[] args) {
JFrame frame = new JFrame("Database Menu Example");
frame.setLayout(new BorderLayout());
JLabel label = new JLabel("Select a user from the menu", JLabel.CENTER);
frame.add(label, BorderLayout.CENTER);