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How to Build an SDN Network Topology Using Mininet Terminal


Step by Step Build an SDN Network Topology Using Mininet Terminal

  • Description:
    Mininet quickens the network topologies like minimal, single, reversed, linear, and tree topology. Minimal: It is the primary topology includes two hosts and one switch, Single Topology: It is an easy and understandable topology with one switch and N no.of hosts, Reversed Topology: It is similar to the single topology, but the order of connection between hosts and switch is reversed, Linear Topology: It is the connection between the N no.of hosts and N no.of switches, Tree Topology: It is a multilevel topology with N levels and two hosts per switch. It prints numerous topologies over Mininet to see their startup, stop, and completion time within a few seconds. Mininet brings a GUI MiniEdit that allows users to create and edit new topologies. SDN authorizes a new networking paradigm probable to enhance the system efficiency of the network where complicated networks are easily managed and controlled. It permits network virtualization and advanced programmability for reworking the behavior of networking devices with well-defined user features, even at a sprint time. To Build a Network Topology Using Mininet Terminal, follow the given samples.
  • It creates a simple Mininet network and demonstrates how to map OpenFlow TCP sessions to switches.
  • In a terminal window connected to the Mininet VM, create a simple tree network with a remote SDN controller using the command:
  • sudo mn --topo single,3 --mac--switch ovsk --controller remote
Check simulation
  • mininet> pingall