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Internet Networks: Wired, Wireless, and Optical Technologies

Internet Networks: Wired, Wireless, and Optical Technologies

Good Research Book in Internet Networks: Wired, Wireless, and Optical Technologies

Author(s) Name:  Krzysztof Iniewski

About the Book:

   In the not too distant future, internet access will be dominated by wireless networks. With that, wireless edge using optical core next-generation networks will become as ubiquitous as traditional telephone networks. This means that telecom engineers, chip designers, and engineering students must prepare to meet the challenges and opportunities that the development and deployment of these technologies will bring.
   The book explains how wireless, wireline, and optical networks work together. It covers WLAN, WPAN, wireless access, 3G/4G cellular, RF transmission, Details optical networks involving long-haul and metropolitan networks, optical fiber, photonic devices, and VLSI chips. This book provides clear instruction on the application of wireless and optical networks.

Table of Contents

  • 802.11n: High Throughput Enhancement to Wireless LANs
  • Mobile WiMAX and Its Evolutions
  • Service Layer for Next-Generation Digital Media Services
  • Enhancing TCP Performance in Hybrid Networks: Wireless Access, Wired Core
  • Femtocell—Home Base Station: Revolutionizing the Radio Access Network
  • Satellite Communications
  • Next-Generation Wired Access: Architectures and Technologies
  • Broadband over Power Line Communications: Home Networking, Broadband Access, and Smart Power Grids
  • ISBN:   9781439808566

    Publisher:   CRC Press

    Year of Publication:   2009

    Book Link:  Home Page Url