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Multiplexed Networks for Embedded Systems: CAN, LIN, FlexRay, Safe-by-Wire

Multiplexed Networks for Embedded Systems: CAN, LIN, FlexRay, Safe-by-Wire

Good Research Book in Multiplexed Networks for Embedded Systems: CAN, LIN, FlexRay, Safe-by-Wire

Author(s) Name:  Dominique Paret, Roderick Riesco

About the Book:

   Multiplexed networks are essential for the unified, efficient and cost-effective exchange of electronic information within embedded component systems. This is especially important in automotive manufacturing as vehicles become increasingly reliant on robust electronic networks and systems for improved reliability, anti-lock brake systems (ABS), steering, on-board navigation systems, and much more. The latest systems such as X-by-Wire and FlexRay aim to produce faster, fault-tolerant network component interconnects, for state-of-the-art network implementation and safer, more reliable engineering of vehicular systems.
   This book provides a thorough and comprehensive introduction to automotive multiplexed network buses, covering the technical principles, components, implementation issues and applications.

Table of Contents

  1 The CAN bus: general.
  2 CAN: its protocol, its properties, its novel features.
  3 The CAN physical layer.
  4 Medium, implementation and physical layers in CAN.
  5 Components, applications and tools for CAN.
  6 Time-triggered protocols – FlexRay.
  7 LIN – Local Interconnect Network.
  8 Think Bus, think Fail-safe SBS, Gateways.
  9 Safe-by-Wire.
  10 Audio-video buses.

ISBN:  9780470034163

Publisher:  John Wiley & Sons

Year of Publication:  2007

Book Link:  Home Page Url