Author(s) Name:  David Willson, Henry Dalziel
Cyber Security for CEOs and Managment is a concise overview of the security threats posed to organizations and networks by the ubiquity of USB Flash Drives used as storage devices. The book will provide an overview of the cyber threat to you, your business, your livelihood, and discuss what you need to do, especially as CEOs and Management, to lower risk, reduce or eliminate liability, and protect reputation all related to information security, data protection and data breaches.
The purpose of this book is to discuss the risk and threats to company information, customer information, as well as the company itself; how to lower the risk of a breach, reduce the associated liability, react quickly, protect customer information and the company-s reputation, as well as discuss your ethical, fiduciary and legal obligations.
Table of Contents
ISBN:  9780128051108
Publisher:  Elsevier
Year of Publication:  2015
Book Link:  Home Page Url