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Energy-aware load balancing in fog cloud computing - 2020

Energy-aware load balancing in fog cloud computing

Research paper on Energy-aware load balancing in fog cloud computing

Research Area:  Fog Computing


With the introduction of fog computing, storage, computing and networking take places near to edge devices rather than in centralized data-centres of cloud computing. Fog computing works as an assistant of cloud computing because it could not work alone, for efficient work fog computing combined with cloud computing. More the number of fog nodes in the network more is that hardware requirement, which increases the demand for energy consumption at the fog layer. For efficient processing of tasks at the fog layer, tasks need to be assigned equally to all the nodes in the fog layer. Load balancing helps to reduce energy consumption in the fog-cloud computing environment. This article provides an energy-aware load balancing technique for scientific workflows in fog-cloud computing environment. Also, a load-balancing algorithm proposed for fog environment. iFogSim used for simulation results. The results also compared with existing methods. Load balancing at the fog layer help in proper utilization of resources, which helps to reduce latency and enhance the quality of service. The articles conclude by providing future directions.


Author(s) Name:  Mandeep Kaur, Rajni Aron

Journal name:  Materials Today: Proceedings

Conferrence name:  

Publisher name:  Elsevier

DOI:  10.1016/ j.matpr.2020.11.121

Volume Information: