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Performance Evaluation and Energy Efficient VM Placement for Fog-Assisted IoT Environment - 2021

Performance Evaluation and Energy Efficient VM Placement for Fog-Assisted IoT Environment

Research Paper on Performance Evaluation and Energy Efficient VM Placement for Fog-Assisted IoT Environment

Research Area:  Fog Computing


The uses of Internet of Things (IoT) devices and sensors have been increasing day by day. In order to provide storage and computational needs for time-sensitive applications low powered end devices which use IoT devices and sensors, a new computing paradigm “Fog Computing” has come into the picture. Virtual machines (VMs) inside the fog nodes are responsible for immediate processing and analyzing the IoT workloads. One of the open research problems is to efficiently scalable the fog centers so that a minimum number of client requests can be renege from the fog system. The service providers are intended to retain the client requests in the fog system by providing efficient services. In this chapter, a multi-server queuing system having reneging with retention policy is modeled to measure the several performance measures of the fog system. The profit and revenue of the system are analyzed. Further, an efficient greedy-based VM placement scheme GVMP is proposed to optimize the energy consumption of the fog centers. The efficiency of the algorithm GVMP is compared with the state of art algorithms such as FFD, BFD, RR and MBFD.

Energy Efficient
VM Placement
IoT Environment

Author(s) Name:  Sudhansu Shekhar Patra, Mamta Mittal, D. Jude Hemantha, Mahmoud A. L. Ahmad & Rabindra Kumar Barik

Journal name:  Energy Conservation Solutions for Fog-Edge Computing Paradigms

Conferrence name:  

Publisher name:  Springer

DOI:  10.1007/978-981-16-3448-2_7

Volume Information: