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Regression analysis for detecting epileptic seizure with different feature extracting strategies - 2019

Regression Analysis For Detecting Epileptic Seizure With Different Feature Extracting Strategies

Research Area:  Machine Learning


Due to the excitability of neurons in the brain, a neurological disorder is produced known as epilepsy. The brain activity of patients suffering from epilepsy is monitored through electroencephalography (EEG). The multivariate nature of features from time domain, frequency domain, complexity and wavelet entropy based, and the statistical features were extracted from healthy and epileptic subjects using the Bonn University database and seizure and non-seizure intervals using the CHB MIT database. The robust machine learning regression methods based on regression, support vector regression (SVR), regression tree (RT), ensemble regression, Gaussian process regression (GPR) were employed for detecting and predicting epileptic seizures. Performance was measured in terms of root mean square error (RMSE), squared error, mean square error (MSE) and mean absolute error (MAE). Moreover, detailed optimization was performed using a RT to predict the selected features from each feature category. A deeper analysis was conducted on features and tree regression methods where optimal RMSE and MSE results were obtained. The best optimal performance was obtained using the ensemble boosted regression tree (BRT) and exponential GPR with an RMSE of 0.47, an MSE (0.22), an R Square (RS) (0.25) and an MAE (0.30) using the Bonn University database and support vector machine (SVM) fine Gaussian with RMSE (0.63634), RS (0.03), MSE (0.40493) and MAE (0.31744); squared exponential GPR and rational quadratic GPR with an RMSE of 0.63841, an RS (0.03), an MSE (0.40757) and an MAE (0.3472) was obtained using the CHB MIT database. A further deeper analysis for the prediction of selected features was performed on an RT to compute the optimal feasible point, observed and estimated function values, function evaluation time, objective function evaluation time and overall elapsed time.


Author(s) Name:  Lal Hussain ORCID logo, Sharjil Saeed, Adnan Idris, Imtiaz Ahmed Awan, Saeed Arif Shah, Abdul Majid, Bilal Ahmed and Quratul-Ain Chaudhary

Journal name:  De Gruyter

Conferrence name:  

Publisher name:  De Gruyter

DOI:  10.1515/bmt-2018-0012

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