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Research Topics in Software-Defined Networking for the Internet of Things

Research Topics in Software-Defined Networking for the Internet of Things

Masters Thesis Topics in Software-Defined Networking for the Internet of Things

Internet of Things (IoT) is an emerging technology where billions of devices encompass everything from small-scale wearable medical devices, smart devices connected to the Internet which makes the human life simpler with or without humans’ intervention.

IoT ubiquitously connects an identifiable device with limited storage, processing and networking capacities. SDN and IoT are two distinct technology domains that communicates the network looking up combine for evolving intelligent systems and improving human types.

Some of the key provisions of IoT applications that can be potentially fulfilled by SDN technologies to realize the concept of Software-Defined IOT are,

 •  Network Management
 •  Resource Utilization
 •  Energy Management
 •  Security and Privacy
 •  Network Function Virtualization
 •  Accessing Information from Anywhere

SDN will help drive the evolution of IoT-enabled devices, expanding the efficiency of network resource sharing and improve IoT service-level agreements. The increase of SDN technologies is bringing many security management benefits that can be exploited at the edge of IoT networks to deal with cyber threats.

IoT brings heterogeneity of devices and radio technologies with numerous capabilities and requirements which have to cooperate and coexist. SDN brings IoT network to manage dynamically in a resource constrained network and provides opportunities to build up security in IoT networks, an application can be created on SDN to prevent, react and detect the threats.

The Security challenges in the area of IoT are pointed as,

 •  Object Identification
 •  privacy and Integrity
 •  Malware in IOT
 •  Authentication and Authorization

The SDN based IoT technology network architecture focuses on the data transmission activity from mobile IoT devices to cloudlets routing along multiple SDN protocol enabled APs. SDN based implementation of IOT networks determines the new security concerns as increasing the number of DDoS attacks.

The Challenges of an IoT with SDN Security issues become spare complex with the IoT, since there are so many access points for hackers. The challenges of IoT networks are,

 •  Scalability
 •  Flexibility
 •  Complexity
 •  Security
 •  Traffic and
 •  Device Management.