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A smart transportation system in VANET based on vehicle geographical tracking and balanced routing protocol - 2021

A smart transportation system in VANET based on vehicle geographical tracking and balanced routing protocol

Research Area:  Vehicular Ad Hoc Networks


In present scenario, Vehicular Ad-hoc Network (VANET) has obtained extensive attention because of its unique characteristics that handle high mobility of vehicles, reaping topological changes and frequent route breakages or failures. Hence, for providing smart transportation with enhanced traffic regulation and safety, a new position-based routing protocol called Traffic Dynamism-Balanced Routing Protocol (TDBRP) for VANET has been proposed in this paper. Moreover, the work concerns the instantaneous scenario of urban cities with the bidirectional and multilane roads. Efficient junction selection algorithm (EJSA) has been incorporated based on the traffic dynamism for establishing optimal route paths between nodes, hence, forwarding the data packets efficiently. Furthermore, the novel EJSP and the route framing between junctions are established on the basis of information gained from two-hop neighbors, which tends to reduce end-to-end delay and enhances packet delivery ratio (PDR). The TDBRP has been implemented and evaluated in Network Simulator (NS 2.34). And the results are examined and compared with some existing protocols like Geographic Source Routing (GSR), Enhanced Greedy Traffic Aware Routing protocol (E-GyTAR), and Anchor-based Street and Traffic-Aware Routing (A-STAR). The outcomes outperform the existing works by minimizing the routing overhead and end-to-end delay by an average of 16% and 13%, respectively, and increase the PDR value by an average of 25% than others. The proposed protocol also evidences that the two-hop neighbor information-based packet forwarding provides better result and efficient routing than neighbor information.


Author(s) Name:  Satheshkumar Kandasamy, S. Mangai


Conferrence name:  

Publisher name:  Wiley

DOI:  10.1002/dac.4714

Volume Information:  Volume34, Issue4 10 March 2021